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AGDATA in the field: AgGateway 2019 Annual Conference

By Garret Giesler

This past week, several AGDATA team members attended the 2019 AgGateway Annual Conference in New Orleans.

AgGateway is an organization that agriculture companies join to come together and partner to expand the face of digital agriculture.

This meeting was held to close out 2019, and to kick off the structural changes taking place within the organization in 2020. Currently, AgGateway has various council that members can join that are based around specific topics, such as crop protection, agriculture retail, seed, crop nutrition, and more. Next year, they are doing away with the council structure and moving into a “working group” structure. This will encourage members to come with ideas and work with any other members in the organization that have an interest in the idea, and collaborate to create a solution.

Having the opportunity to hear from farmers and learn about what their life is like out in the field, was extremely impactful in understanding the importance of technology in our industry. Advancing technology has the opportunity to combat challenges that farmers, retailers, distributors, and manufacturers face today. Taking strides to continue advancing technology as much as possible will have a valuable impact on the Ag industry as we know it.

Having manufacturers, retailers, growers, and allied providers come together for networking and collaboration is a great reminder of what our purpose is– helping our customers solve their data and marketing program management challenges. It’s empowering to see how all these groups of people can come together to invest in the future of the Agricultural industry, together.

If you are interested in getting connected and strengthening your relationship with the Ag industry, click here to learn more about AgGateway!



*Fun fact– Hotel Monteleone, the host hotel for the conference, is rumored to be haunted!



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